June 14th 2018: Finkas Begins His Travels


Ken - Finakas Snotrags

The caravan was a day outside of Lowhill, heading west to Hounds Head as the Komor Forest pushed down from the north. Finkas Snotrags, a newly hired caravan guard, trailing the caravan assist the cook, Gordon, providing tips on how to harvest and prepare wild garlic. It was then then the halfling saw wild grapes stretch between the trees and made his way through the undergrowth to the trees. 

As he cut enough bunches that he could carry, he spotted something hidden beneath the vines. A crumbled marker. There were no defining features on the marker. The base however, seemed untouched by weather and time. As Finkas cleared the debris away his new friend Geraman approached, his breath covered with the odor of stale ale. A fellow caravan guard, pointed toward the marker, "Found yourself a Northman marker have you?" Finkas shrugged, but saw the conical runes etched into the base. "Can you read these?" he asked Geraman. 

"No. But Wilhelm may. If you can get him to stop arguing with himself."

Finkas was able to get Wilhelm's attention. Showed him the runes. Wilhelm asked Finkas to get a rubbing. "Interesting in the mild sense, but maybe my friend Blake can interpret these."

Wilhelm left. Geraman mentioned something about possible trinkets buried beneath the marker. Sometimes Northmen left them there. They grabbed a shovel. At first, they found a leather necklace with a wolf fang mounted on a stone. The dug a second hole and found nothing.

Arrows whistled by their heads. Finkas immediately spotted a  halfling and three humans coming out of the woods. The battle consisted of Finkas missing often. Geraman stood in the open allow the bandits to take their shots. Geraman killed a bandit that charged him. The halfling bandit, use a dagger with strange dark glow. Finkas took a hit to his side. The halfling was soon subdued. The other two bandits fled. 

Finkus recognized the emaciated halfling, his skin covered in scars, Maxton Portly. Unseen in Lowhill for over five decades. Finkas bound him.

A short debate of whether to continue to dig around the marker or catch up with the caravan that was now out of sight. Finkas chose the latter.

An unpleasant conversation with Pater, another caravan guard, made it know that it was not okay to leave the caravan's flank open to attack for personal gain. 

Justina, spoke to Finkas. She asked for anything he needed washed. As she walked away Pater pushed her out of his way.

Master Simons had a conversation with Finkas about the risk he was taking by allowing him to travel with the caravan. Finkas's family was a powerful merchant family and Master Simon did not want to risk his relationship with the Snotrags. Discretion was asked and given.  

After four days the caravan arrived at the Hamlet of Hounds Head.

Things Undone
  • crumbled marker, two positions were left unexplored and the runes at the base going to Blake for interpretation 
  • the leather necklace with the wolf's fang at the base of the marker
  • unknown properties of the dagger with the dark glow
  • Maxton Portly is a prisoner, what to do with him

June 14th 2018: Finkas Begins His Travels

6-14-18 Players: Ken - Finakas Snotrags The caravan was a day outside of Lowhill , heading west to Hounds Head as the Komor Fore...